Tokenize a Card

Tokenize a card during the Payment

At Everypay's Payments API you can use the parameter `create_customer: 1, which will return a response, that includes a card object and the customer.

You can read more about tokenization on here

The merchant can store this response in the database and associate it with the customer, if the latter wishes to have his payment option stored. In the case of a subsequent payment, customer may select his "tokenized" card and avoid filling his payment details.

Here is an example of the Payment response:

    "card": {
        "token": "crd_U0FBPmz5t2zjDjKaOGABlo6A",
        "expiration_month": "05",
        "expiration_year": "2022",
        "bin": "411111",
        "last_four": "1111",
        "type": "Visa",
        "holder_name": "John Doe",
        "supports_installments": false,
        "status": "valid",
        "friendly_name": "Visa xxxx 1111 (05/2022)",
        "tds": {
            "enrolled": null,
            "eci_flag": null,
            "auth_code": null,
            "auth_desc": null
        "billing_address_line1": "6 Examp",
        "billing_city": "Athens",
        "billing_country": "GR",
        "billing_state": "A",
        "billing_postal_code: "12345",
        "payer_email": "",

Tokenize a card using our Customers API

In order to create a customer you need to receive a temporary card token using our own Payform.

After receiving that temporary card token you can proceed into creating a customer using our Customers API.